Guidelines for the management of hereditary colorectal cancer from the BSG /ACPGBI/UKCGG
UKCGG has worked with the British Society of Gastroenterology and the Association of Coloproctologists of Great Britain and Ireland to produce new guidance on the screening and management of patients with an increased genetic predisposition to colorectal cancer.
Unfortunately there is not enough evidence to review regarding the use of aspirin in patients at high risk of colorectal cancer outside of the context of Lynch Syndrome. However, given the evidence supporting use of aspirin in Lynch Syndrome and the growing body of evidence with respect to reduction in colorectal cancer risk with aspirin in the general population, we advise that patients at high risk of developing colorectal cancer on the basis of their family history should see their GP to discuss the risks and benefits of low dose (75-150mg) daily aspirin for bowel cancer risk reduction.