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In pretium enim nec neque auctor, non mollis nunc maximus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla a volutpat arcu, id varius lacus. Morbi non sodales odio, nec posuere nisl. Phasellus vulputate nunc id quam hendrerit, sit amet fringilla magna consequat.
The Association of Breast Surgery and UKCGG are holding a webinar on 5th October 2023 on the Assessment of Familial Breast Cancer theme. Please see the agenda here below. Register here: Webinar Registration - Zoom
Chairs: Prof Ramsey Cutress and Mrs Sue Holcombe
1800-1810 Overview of breast cancer genetics Dr Helen Hanson
1810-1820 Assessment of familial risk and risk assessment models including introduction and overview of Canrisk
Prof Marc Tischkowitz
1820-1830 Family history clinic perspective Mrs Suzannah Fitzgerald & Mrs Suzy Halliday
1830-1840 Development of a national consensus for the future
Dr Olga Tsoulaki
1840-1900 General discussion and questions
Panel: Prof Ramsey Cutress, Mrs Suzannah Fitzgerald, Mrs Suzy Halliday, Dr Helen Hanson Mrs Sue Holcombe, Dr Sacha Howell, Prof Marc Tischkowitz, Dr Olga Tsoulaki