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The UK Cancer Genetics Group is pleased to invite you to the UKCGG Winter Meeting on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December 2024, which will take place over two morning sessions and be held virtually via Zoom.
The programme will include invited speakers delivering short talks on research studies and project updates. We are delighted that Professor Malcolm Dunlop will be delivering the Keynote lecture. A draft programme will be available to download in due course.
Cost and booking
Bookings for this event are now open, register via the event page. This event is open to members as well as non-members. Advanced registration to watch live is essential and the Zoom meeting link will be circulated ahead of the event.
CGG members- £20
Non-members - £30
Instructions to register
Please log into mySociety (if you are not a member of the BSGM or its constituent groups, please create a free mySociety account with your name and email address). Then, click "events and conferences" where you will be able to buy a ticket for the event.
This event is being organised by the Royal Society of Biology for the UKCGG. For any booking or website queries please contact Ellie Barrand at or on 020 3925 3444.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you in December.