About Us

The UK Cancer Genetics Group, hereafter called UKCGG, is a Specialist Interest Group of the British Society of Genetic Medicine (BSGM).

UKCGG is a national, multidisciplinary organisation with membership including clinicians, counsellors and scientists with an interest in the hereditary aspects of cancer.  Its mission is to identify and promote early detection and prevention for those at risk of cancer from their family history or inherited susceptibility and to improve the quality of care of those individuals affected as a result of a hereditary cancer syndrome. This will be accomplished by:

  1. Encouragement of research into the hereditary aspects of cancer.
  2. Education of physicians and other healthcare professionals in the identification of those individuals at risk, the role of molecular genetics and clinical management of hereditary tumour syndromes.
  3. The promotion of clinical services for families with hereditary tumour syndromes.
  4. Provision of a forum for the presentation of data, discussion of controversial areas involved in the care of patients and their families.
  5. Facilitation of collaborative studies.
  6. To be a stakeholder and opinion leader in National discussions at all levels on matters relating to the hereditary aspects of cancer and to those affecting the provision of health care of at-risk families.
  7. To debate, advise and inform societal aspects of hereditary tumour predisposition (such as ethical and legal issues).

UK CGG Council

There is an elected council of the CGG that meet regularly. The CGG constitution has recently been changed to ensure there will always be a representative from each GLH and devolved nation with the aim of making CGG less London/SE-centric.

This means that the Council has increased in size from 13-14 and will now be a variable number between 20 and 27. Council meetings take place every 2 months and are virtual (which has also made involvement easier for all regions of the UK). The Council members derive from multiple staff groups including Consultants, SpRs, Genetic Counsellors and a laboratory representative.

Ordinary members of the steering committee are elected for a period of 3 years, following which they can apply for re-election for a further 3 year period before retiring. Applications to join the steering committee can be made by UKCGG members where spaces become available. Election is via ballot of the membership and vacancies are advertised to the membership when available. 

UK CGG awards for Council members

UK CGG will support UK CGG Council members with a bursary of up to £1000 for courses or activities which will equip them with the necessary skills or training for them to fulfill their role and responsibilities on the UKCGG Council. Examples include, but are not limited to; media and communication training, leadership course, or finance training. 

UKCGG Council members should request awards via the UK CGG Chair and Treasurer, who will seek full approval of the UK CGG council. 

The full expenses policy can be viewed in the file here below.




Members of the UK Cancer Genetics Group Council

Member of Council Role  End of Term Genomic Laboratory Hub 
Elected Members 
Helen Hanson Chair  May-25 South East 
Katie Snape  Secretary, Chair 2024 May-24 South East 
Terri McVeigh Media & Comms rep May-26 North Thames
Cheryl Berlin Conference rep May-26 North Thames
Hannah Musgrave Conference rep May-24 North East and Yorkshire
Bev Speight Treasurer May-24 East
Ian Frayling Retiring Treasurer  May-23 Wales
Helena Carley* SpR Rep May-24 South East 
Zoe Kemp   May-26 North Thames
Sarah Hamilton   May-24 Scotland 
*currently on maternity leave      
Co-opted members
Katherine Smith    May-24 South West 
Sian Nisbet   May-24 Wales
Stephanie Greville-Heygate   May-24 Central and South 
Gillian Rea   May-24 Northern Ireland 
Angela George CRG  (oncology)   North Thames
Fiona Lalloo CRG (genetics)     North West 
Miranda Durkie  AGCS rep    North East and Yorkshire
Alice Garrett SpR rep (mat cover)   North Thames

Awards for UKCGG members

A number of awards are available to individuals who are registered UK CGG members for at least one year.

Applications can be made by emailing the UK CGG treasurer.

Further details are available in the file here below. 

